To make a payment via check on an order or account mail it to the appropriate address below.
Please be sure to make the check out to "GoldSilver, LLC" and use the memo field to note your order number, account ID, or invoice number.
Then, choose the correct address below depending on which service you are using to send the check.
If sent by postal service (USPS):
P.O. Box 7410116
Chicago, IL 60674-0116
If sending by overnight and third-party shippers (UPS, Fedex, DHL, etc.):
Bank of America Lockbox Services
GS LBX 10116
540 W. Madison, 4th Floor
Chicago, IL 60661
*Please note - in order to combat check fraud we require a response with a color copy of your government-issued photo ID via email for all checks over $10,000.
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