Sellers are responsible for all shipping and handling costs. This includes costs associated with selling from storage accounts, if any.
Precious metals are most commonly shipped, fully insured, with delivery signature required. It is the customer's sole responsibility to ensure packages are properly insured, as we cannot be held responsible for the loss of metals in transit.
Customers are provided a contract number for each sellback they enter.
A social security number and or passport number will be required for all nonexempt IRS 1099 sellbacks.
In order to comply with anti-money laundering regulations, you will be asked to verify your identity prior to completing a sale of assets to or its trading partners, including but not limited to: a copy of your driver's license, passport or other government-issued ID matching the account records; an automated phone call or text message; or, a phone discussion with a AML/BSA-trained representative.
More Information on Selling:
How to Sellback – Customer Support
How do I sell InstaVault holdings? – Customer Support
A Step-by-Step Guide to Selling Metals in Your Possession – Customer Support
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