In order to make a purchase on, you will need to have an account with them. If you do not have an account, you can easily create one on their website. Once you have signed into your account, you can start adding the items you wish to purchase to your cart. Simply browse through the available products and click on the "Add to Cart" button for each item you want to buy.
Once you have added all the desired items to your cart, you can proceed to the checkout process. Here are the steps you need to follow:
- Step 1: When you go to your cart, you will be directed to a page called "MY ORDER FORM." On this page, you need to select your preferred payment method and then click on the "SUBMIT YOUR ORDER" button.
- Step 2: On the next page, you will be given the option to choose between "SECURE VAULT STORAGE" or having the items shipped to your door. If you choose door delivery, please note that there is a minimum order requirement of $500. If you prefer vault storage, you can select the specific vault where you want your items to be stored. The default option is allocated storage.
- Step 3: After selecting your preferred storage method, you will need to confirm your payment details. This is where you provide the necessary information to complete the purchase.
- Step 4: Finally, you will have the opportunity to review your order before submitting it. If you are paying by bank wire or check, you will be required to make a security deposit using a credit or debit card in order to lock in the current market prices. Once you have reviewed all the details and are ready to proceed, click on the "SECURE MY ORDER NOW" button to confirm your purchase.
If you are looking for an update on your order, you can simply log in to your account. Under the "Order History" section, you will be able to see the current status of your order. For items that are in stock, they typically ship within a week after the payment has been cleared.
If you need further assistance, you can contact GoldSilver customer support via email at or by phone at 888-319-8166.